Thriving Cat

Okocat Litter Review

Blue Eyed Cat looking at camera against black background

Okocat Litter Review

Okocat Natural Pine Cat Litter is Superior for Cats and Owners

There are many reasons Okocat Cat Litter is superior to other litters. You can even get it delivered to your door with Chewy! If you want to know why Okocat is healthier, cleaner, lighter, biodegradable, antibacterial and more effective than other litters, then this Okocat Litter review is for you.

The most common cat litters are made of clay, contain silica dust and often have chemical additives for fragrance. These litters are found in every store but they have some major downsides.

For the human, clay litters are:

  • Heavy to lift
  • Leave messy, little granules everywhere
  • Don’t always control odor well depending on what additives are included.
  • Often dusty which is bad to breathe containing silica and chemical fragrances
  • Very messy to clean up the box when clay get wet and sticky

For the cat, clay litters are:

  • Dusty and can cause irritation when breathed in, contain silica dust and sodium bentonite
  • If paws are wet clay litter forms glue in the fur that is hard to get out. Cats then have to try to lick it off forcing them to ingest the clay and chemical additives.
  • Bad at controlling odor without harsh chemical fragrances.

Many alternative litters exist, but they have downsides as well:

  • Litter made from corn and wheat attract bugs which can live in them! I have seen this!
  • Corn and wheat litters do not control bacteria!
  • Most alternative litters do not control odor well
  • Many alternative litters are expensive

What does Okocat give you?

A variety of formulas including Original Wood Clumping, Supersoft Clumping Wood Unscented, Natural Paper Dust Free. There is a litter for every preference and need. Note, all these links are to the extra large size box. There are smaller sizes available that you can see on each page.

We use the Natural Pine litter which is made of cracked pine pellets. This kind works better than other brands of pine pellets that are not cracked first. It is also the most affordable of the Okocat litters. I cannot vouch for the other varieties since this is the only one we use at this time. It is so great we don’t really need to try the others! Here is a link to the extra large size we get since it is the most cost effective.

Okocat Natural Pine Litter is:

  • Flushable when you scoop it (Don’t try to flush the whole thing at once though)
  • Superior at odor control. It controls odor for 7 days.
  • Absorbs 5 times it’s weight
  • Controls bacteria. Kills 99.9% of bacterial growth for weeks!
  • Biodegradable, natural and renewable
  • Contains no silica dust or chemical fragrences that are bad to breath

All the Okocat litters have these advantages.

We have three cats and all of them like this litter. We like it because it is lightweight and easy to use, doesn’t smell of strong chemicals to control odor, is flushable, and we get it delivered to the door through Chewy!  We don’t bother with the clumping types we just get the Natural Pine which works great and scoop out the solids which get flushed. The whole box can get changed when the pine pieces break down over time. We have three cats but if you only have one cat it should last several weeks.

Try a box and see what you think! Thanks for checking out this Okocat Litter review. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think of these great litters!


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If you have any thoughts or questions please leave a comment below and I will respond.



  1. Nancy B.

    Huh. I have never heard of this litter before, but it might be worth checking out. I have 2 cats and I have used a Cat Genie automatic litter box for years, but it recently broke down and now my cats are pouty because they have to use ‘common’ cat litter 😛 Cats are so fussy and don’t like change. I like that this litter doesn’t have additives and that there is little dust – one of my cats actually has asthma, so I have to be careful what kinds of litter I use. I like that there is a small box option for me to try it first.

    Thanks for introducing me to this litter!

    1. Jessica (Post author)

      Hello Nancy,

      Yes, there are a variety of size and formula options. I use the basic Natural Pine type. I think this is the most common since it used to be carried by our local Fred Myer (part of Kroger now). That is where we first found it. We were so upset when they stopped carrying the litter since it was superior to everything else we had tried. I cannot find it at PetSmart or PetCo. I was so happy to find that Amazon has it as well as all the other formulas and it can be shipped for free with Amazon Prime. I have it set up on for auto shipping with Amazon Subscribe and Save so it is even cheaper.

      Please let me know if you try it. I would love to hear which kind you use and what you and your kitties think.



  2. Nikola

    Hey Jessica. Your article abour cat litters sparked my interst. To be honest , I dindt even know you could buy those. Whenever my cat has to “go” she simply starts meowing and scratching the door and that is all the clue I need to let her outside.
    I guess you need a litter for cats that are home bound right?

    1. Jessica (Post author)

      It must be handy for you to have a cat that goes outside. That is a bit impractical here in Alaska in the winter! It can be very cold outside and there is no dirt in sight. It is also safer for them to stay inside so we only take them out on supervised walks. My last cat lost an eye outside and that is how I ended up with him when I found him injured as a stray.

      This litter is great since it is made from pine wood so it smells nice and doesn’t contain any weird chemicals. If you ever get a litter box I would recommend it!

  3. Thevin

    Hello Jessica,

    I like how informative your article is. I was looking to Okocat Litter but was not too sure whether it is a good choice or not. The great thing about it is that it is healthier, cleaner, lighter and biodegradable than its competitors. I would consider buying it soon. Thank You.

    1. Jessica (Post author)

      Thanks Thevin,

      I use it in all three of my cat boxes every day. My cats really like it and so do I !


  4. Ellie

    Hi Jessica! We also have 3 cats and this litter seems like a great call for a mess free and healthy litter for our furr babies! I’m wondering, how often do you dump the whole thing and put a new batch of litter with 3 cats? Is it a cost friendly option you think? How do you tell it’s time to change it? Haha. Thanks for the tips, think we will give this a try!

    1. Jessica (Post author)

      Hi Ellie,

      I am so sorry I missed your question earlier! We have two boxes for 4 cats and dump them out and start fresh 1-2 times per week. We have large cats however (15 pounds) so they probably use up the litter a little faster than smaller cats. You can tell it is time to change the litter when the wood chips break down into sawdust. When they are wet they soften and turn into a powder. When most of the box has turned from chips to powder it is time to change it out. If you leave the powder they can still use it but it tracks more and makes a mess and also starts to smell a bit.

      Thanks for your question and for stopping by,

  5. Katie at Meadowia

    Absolutely loved the Okocat litter, it’s natural, odor-absorbing formula kept my cat’s litter box fresh and clean – highly recommend!


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